Tuesday, February 28, 2023

B.A.B.E. Big Ass Bus Eh Travelers

 We are Dustin and Michelle Story. We just added Baby Love to our clan in February! We also have Gypsy and Ozark, our two mongrel pups and Mellow and S'more, two kittens we rescued. Dustin is originally from Georgia and Michelle is from Colorado. We don't consider anywhere except our bus home, but Colorado is technically home base. 

When we found out we were pregnant, we upgraded from our shuttle bus, Turbo, to B.A.B.E., our VanHool. We chose this name because we bought this bus in Bemidji, Minnesota, where Paul Bunyan and Babe the Big Blue Ox are from. B.A.B.E. stands from Big Ass Bus Eh. 

We traveled in Turbo for just over 4 years. We are still in the process of converting B.A.B.E. Our maiden voyage will be to the Skoolie Swarm in the Smokies next week. 

We had our first breakdown within the first 2 weeks. Our AC and brakes went out in the middle of the summer in Austin, Texas. Boy was that miserable! https://www.progressive.com/ make sure you have insurance.

We prefer to Boondock. We have everything we need and absolutely cannot justify paying for a campsite. 

We couldn't have asked for a better life! When we found out Love was on the way, we considered settling down and buying property. But then realized there is no way we'd ever deprive her of the life we love so much.

Our absolute favorite Boondocking spot is the Alabama Hills off of 395 in eastern California. The views of the Sierra Nevadas are like nothing else! Our favorite restaurant is our kitchen. We're both chefs and food is our love language. 

SLOW DOWN! Life isn't a race. Avoid the highways. Take the back roads. That's where you find the beauty. 

Lastly, never expect a trip without issues. Our motto is, "It's Always Something!"

Traveling with pets has so many beneficial benefits. Security is at the top of this list, most people think twice before just approaching us. Companionship, sometimes you just need a break from your spouse and this is a great way to get out there without hurting feelings.


We don't have any social media pages, but Dustin makes and sells craft hot sauce to help support our travels. This is the link to the Facebook page:

We love meeting people. 
We love seeing new sites that our adventures have brought us to. 
We love our life. 

Disclaimer: This is a guest post. We do not own the information or the pictures. We granted permission to share their guest post on our blogger. 

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