Wednesday, December 20, 2023

What does 2024 look like for your business?


What does 2024 look like for your business?

Have you ever been so excited about a work project that you finished it way sooner than the client would expect? Like almost 3 weeks early?
I just did that, and it's an exhilarating feeling...
Signs that you love your job 👩‍💻:
✨️ You tend to finish your assigned tasks way ahead of the schedule, not because your boss has asked so, but because you find it irresistible to put in extra hours.
✨️You consistently deliver high-quality work.
✨️Money is not your first priority. The nature of the job is.
✨️You gladly think of your work even while not at your office.
✨️You find purpose and meaning in life through your work.
✨️You enjoy talking about your job with others at every opportunity.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Helping Santa hide PRESENTS inside your storage unit over at Aspen Springs Storage and RV!

 Tis the season again....  

If you have a curious spouse or children sneaking around the house to find Christmas gifts, it may be wise to find a space outside of the home to hide presents. This Christmas season, using a storage unit to hide and wrap gifts.

Budget Saving Tips: Get 3 additional parents to share a storage unit. Divide the units into sections where each parent can store their wrapped presents. Have a community wrapping table so that you can wrap your presents there. Honestly you could have 6 parents in on this. The more parents the better the savings.

It's easy to set up online: (for any holiday/clothes/yard sales/emergencies)

They have several locations in Utah:
- Centerville, Utah
- Farr West, Utah 
- Smithfield, Utah
- Willard, Utah

For their Social Media Platforms

Storage units are a great hidden extra room. 
Businesses: will store their overstock, boxes, documents, extra filing cabinets etc
Big families: Clothes/Furniture/Treasure boxes of memories for kids to take with them when they move out.
Seasonal Items: Snowboards/summer chairs/halloween decor
Vehicles: Boats/RV/ATV/Golf Cart - you know the big toys
Mens Man Cave: golf clubs/hobby collections/car parts
Parent/Parents Coop: fundraisers/school supplies/books

Google says awesome things about them!